Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let's see... Do I have everything I need?

I am always starting my day wondering if I have planned, typed, copied, scheduled, etc. everything that I need. I always take a few moments, right before the first bell, to double check everything. I take a look at my lesson plan book and go through and put a little check mark right in the corner of each day, telling me that I have everything that I need for that class.

Lately I have noticed that there is something that I have been missing. Something that is a little more important than any copies or lessons that I have prepared.  I have found, more than once, these past few weeks, that I have left this particular item lying on the shelf.  That item is humility.

Let me share a quote with you that helped me realize this missing item:
Humility towards men will be the only sufficient proof that our humility before God is real, that humility has taken up its abode in us and become our very nature, and that we actually, like Christ, have made ourselves of no reputation.

When in the presence of God lowliness of heart has become not a posture we pray to Him, but the very spirit of our life, it will manifest itself in all our bearing towards our brethren.  The lesson is one of deep import: the only humility that is really ours is not that which we try to show before God in our prayer, but that which we carry with us, and carry out in our ordinary conduct -- the significances of daily life are the importances and the tests of eternity, because they prove what really is the spirit that posses us.  It is in our most unguarded moments that we really show and see what we are.  To know the humble man and to know how the humble man behaves, you must follow him in the common course of daily life.

~Andrew Murray from his book Humility

So there you go.  Don't forget to "clothe yourselves in humility"(I Peter 5:5) today.  Plan it in your lesson, carry it with you down the hall, take it to lunch with you.


  1. Teaching is humbling. Unfortunately, because teaching includes leading, sometimes I get caught up in what a great "leader" I am, and lose focus.

    John Spencer wrote an amazing post this morning where he said this:

    "The more I attempt to change someone, the less it works. However, the more I try to know someone and love someone, the more I make a difference. What if the best way to have an impact with a student is through not trying to make an impact?" Click here to read it all.

    Only if we teach from a place of personal humility can we recognize the dynamic relationship we have with our students and truly make a difference in their lives.

  2. I'll bear it in mind...

    thx for posting this

